Churches and Chapels Dedicated to Tridentine Latin Mass Celebration in Australia

Our Lady Help of Christians, Star of the Sea Church

Rev. Fr. Shane Johnson, Prior

PO Box 277
Wembley, WA 6913

1 Peel St
Jolimont, WA 6913

Tel: (08) 9387 5837
Fax: (08) 9387 1333

Sunday - 7:30am & 10:00am (every Sunday of the year);
Monday - 8:00am
Tuesday - 8:00am
Wednesday - 10:00am Followed by Minor Benediction
Thursday - 8:00am
Friday - 5:00pm Holy Hour followed by Mass (6:00pm)
Saturday - 8:00am Followed by Novena (Our Lady of Perpetual Succour) and Benediction.

First Fridays Masses at 6:00pm with a Holy Hour at 4:50pm

Confessions Schedule


After 2nd Mass (except for Dardanup Sunday)

Wednesday 9:30-9:50am

Friday 5:20-5:40pm

Saturday 7:30-7:50am & after Benediction

St. Michael's Church

19 Rose Terrace
Wayville, SA  5034

Telephone: (08) 8373 1960 (Adelaide)

Telephone: (03) 9598 3848 (Melbourne)

Mass Times:
Sunday: 9:00 a.m.

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and St. Andrew's Church, Melbourne, Victoria

Rev. Fr. Edward Black (Prior)

Rev. Fr. Todd Stephens (Assistant)

40 Ludstone Street
Hampton, VIC 3188
Tel: [61] 3 9598 3848
Fax: [61] 3 9597 0858

Sunday Mass Times: 8:00am & 10:00am

Sacred Heart of Jesus Church

37 Elizabeth St.
Singleton, NSW  2330

[61] 2 4942 1613
[61] 2 4933 6496

Mass Times:
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m.

Child Jesus and St. Joseph Church (Priory)

280 West Botany Street
Rockdale, NSW 2216

Tel: [61] 2 9567 7088
Fax: [61] 2 9567 3228

Mass Times:


8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.


7:15 a.m. & 6:30 p.m., also Thursday 11:00 a.m.
Sat: 7:15 a.m. & 9:00 a.m.

280 West Botany Street
Rockdale, NSW 2216

Telephone / Fax:

Tel: [61] 2 9567 7088
Fax: [61] 2 9567 3228


Catholic Family Checklist

1. Do we, as a family, say prayers before and after meals?
2. Do we, as a family, say morning and evening prayers?
3. Are we afraid to make the Sign of the Cross and pray before and after when dining in public?
4. Do we say the family Rosary at least once a day?
5. Do we attend the Tridentine Latin Mass as often as possible?
6. Do we regularly go to confession?
7. Do we give praise and thanks to God for our successes in life?
8. Do we sacrifice and see that our families sacrifice in the Name of Our Lord?
9. Do we abstain from meat on Fridays?
10. Do we and our families obey the Ten Commandments?
11. Do we stand up for and defend our Faith-the true, Catholic Faith?
12. Do we set aside time each day to do penance and to pray?
13. Do we set a good example in our homes and in our communities?
14.  Do we say 'no' to our children though 'yes' would be easier?
15. Are we afraid to make unpopular decisions-decisions for God and against the world?
16. Do we, by example, display modesty and humility in all things?
17. Do we spend more time enjoying the things of the world than we do on the growth of our spiritual life?
18. Do we discipline ourselves and our childreb against excessive habits of the world?
19. Do we honour the Blessed Virgin?
20. Do we offer up our sufferings for the glory of God?
21. Do we observe the Holy Feast Days?
22. Are we prepared to (and do we) instruct our children in the true teachings of Christ?
23. Do we prY for our true Catholic priests who travel the country to celebrate the Tridentine Mass and to confer the sacraments upon us and out families?
24. Do we run from the truth because we are afraid to pay the small price to reach Heaven, or do we face the truth and gladly accept our responsibility for our salvation and that of our salvation?
25. Do we give God more time than we give to the world?

- Sara B Engels (Angelus May 1978$

19 Confirmands in Sydney

Today, 16th of August, Bishop Alfonso de Galaretta conferred the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation to 19 individuals at the Child Jesus and St Joseph Church at Rockdale NSW. The sacrament of confirmation completes the sacrament of baptism. If baptism is the sacrament of re-birth to a new and supernatural life, confir- mation is the sacrament of maturity and coming of age. The real confession of Christ consist in this 'that the whole man submits himself to Truth, in the judgment of his understanding, in the submission of his will and in the consecration of his whole power of love . . . To do this, poor-spirited man is only able when he has been confirmed by God's grace'. This confirmation in the power of the Holy Spirit leading to a firm profession of faith has always been the particular effect which Catholic tradition has ascribed to the sacrament. It is effect which complements and completes that of baptism.

Confirmation ceremony
Confirmation ceremony
Bishop Alfonso de Galaretta and the newly confirmed as well as the altar servers and the parish priest 

First Mass at the Child Jesus and St Joseph Church, Sydney

The first Latin Tridentine Mass at the Child Jesus and St. Joseph Church in Rockdale NSW circa December 8, 1983 with Fr. Francois Laisney, Fr. Terence Hogan, Fr. Patrick Fox, C.M. 

Fr. Gerald Hogan is at the foreground. 

Mr Pedro Sidoti and the future Fr. Damien Carlile assisting as altar servers.

Pedro Sidoti Reminisces El Camino de Santiago

Pedro Sidoti reminisces his 850 kilometer, 28 days El Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in August 1965. That was 50 years ago! He was 23 years old when he did this pilgrimage.

A Katoomba  NSW native, Mr Sidoti is the founder of the traditional branch of the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen in Australia. He has trained over 200 plus altar servers in the span of 3 decades.

Pilgrimage Passport


With Jean (Brazil) and Robert (Australia)



Certificate from the Archbishop of Compostela, Cardinal Quiroga


At one of the gates of the cathedral

Kissing the bronze statue of St. James

Pilgrims from various countries

Pilgrims and their respective family

Pilgrims (l-r: Pedro, Nina and Jesus Maria--the remaining names of two pilgrims were not known)