19 Confirmands in Sydney

Today, 16th of August, Bishop Alfonso de Galaretta conferred the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation to 19 individuals at the Child Jesus and St Joseph Church at Rockdale NSW. The sacrament of confirmation completes the sacrament of baptism. If baptism is the sacrament of re-birth to a new and supernatural life, confir- mation is the sacrament of maturity and coming of age. The real confession of Christ consist in this 'that the whole man submits himself to Truth, in the judgment of his understanding, in the submission of his will and in the consecration of his whole power of love . . . To do this, poor-spirited man is only able when he has been confirmed by God's grace'. This confirmation in the power of the Holy Spirit leading to a firm profession of faith has always been the particular effect which Catholic tradition has ascribed to the sacrament. It is effect which complements and completes that of baptism.

Confirmation ceremony
Confirmation ceremony
Bishop Alfonso de Galaretta and the newly confirmed as well as the altar servers and the parish priest