The indefatigable Redemptorists wrote this in his memoir:
"The church in Hampton used to be St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, but became redundant when the Presbyterians joined the Uniting Church. It still bears the Cross of St Andrew in the brickwood on the frontwall. We successfully negotiated a lease of the church and the adjacent hall for $150 a week in October 1980, and continued leasing it during the next four years when the Uniting Church authorities notified us that they intended selling it. They offered the whole complex (church and hall) to us for $180,000. Since we (the Latin Mass Society), at that time, were not in a position to buy it, I passed the offer on to Fr Hogan, who was at that time the District Superior of the Society of St Pius X.
"The church in Hampton used to be St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, but became redundant when the Presbyterians joined the Uniting Church. It still bears the Cross of St Andrew in the brickwood on the frontwall. We successfully negotiated a lease of the church and the adjacent hall for $150 a week in October 1980, and continued leasing it during the next four years when the Uniting Church authorities notified us that they intended selling it. They offered the whole complex (church and hall) to us for $180,000. Since we (the Latin Mass Society), at that time, were not in a position to buy it, I passed the offer on to Fr Hogan, who was at that time the District Superior of the Society of St Pius X.
The Society eventually decided to buy it for $150,000. I agreed to remain on as a parish priest until the Society had enough priests available to take it over. They took possession of the complex in October 1985.
Fr Cummins left Hampton in October 1985. He recalled:
"The SSPX finally took over the Hampton complex and Fr Frank Peek moved in"